What Digital Camera vergleicht 5 Bridge Kameras
Das Magazin What Digital Camera testet fünf Bridge Kameras. Auf dem ersten Platz landet, dank ihrer Bildqualität, die Sony RX10 II. Auf dem zweiten Platz landet die Panasonic Lumix FZ1000, die vor allem durch ihre Features überzeugen kann. Den dritten Platz sichert sich die Fuji X-S1, die in Sachen Design eine gute Figur abgibt. Der What Digital Camera Recommended geht ebenfalls an das Gerät von Fuji.
Sony DSC-RX10M2 Premium Bridge Kamera (20,2 Megapixel, 7,6 cm (3 Zoll) Display, 8-fach opt. Zoom, 4K UHD Videoaufnahme, 40x Slow-Motion, WiFi, NFC) inkl. 24-200 mm F2,8 Zeiss Objektiv schwarz
...In terms of speed, performance and overall build quality, the RX10 II remains ahead of the competition.
sehr gut (1,0)
Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ1000G9 Premium-Bridgekamera (20,1 Megapixel, 16x opt. Zoom, opt. Bildstabilisator, LEICA DC VARIO-ELMARIT Objektiv, 4K Video) schwarz - Preisvergleich
...It's impressively quick, on top of which it also offers twice as much telephoto range as its nearest rival.
sehr gut (1,5)
Fuji X-S1
Despite being the best part of four years old, the Fuji X-S1 remains a well-specified superzoom that combines useful shooting features with good build quailty and impressive handling. ...
gut (2,0)
Canon PowerShot G3 X Kompakte Digitalkamera (20,2 MP, Zoom 25x) schwarz
While the lack of an EVF and a dedicated zoom ring on the lens barrel both compromise the G3 X's overall handling, it's otherwise a well specified bridge camera that can deliver very good results in the right hands. ...
gut (2,5)
Nikon P900
...If you mostly shoot in good light and can live without Raw then the P900 is well-built, easy to use and, of course, boasts enough zoom power to study the surface of the moon with.