T3 testet 6 Überwachungskameras
Das Magazin T3 testet 6 Überwachungskameras. Im Fokus des Tests standen dabei die die Bildqualität, die WiFi-Qualität, die Outdoor-Tauglichkeit sowie Zusatz-Features. Testsieger wurde die Webcam Netatmo Presence mit automatischer Gesichtserkennung. Ebenso 5 von 5 Sternen erhielt die Arlo Wire-Free mit einer großen Wettertauglichkeit. In puncto Design überzeugte die Überwachungskamera Nest Cam Outdoor und erhielt entsprechend den Design-Award der T3-Redaktion.
Netatmo Presence
This is the first Wi-Fi security camera with the capacity to distinguish between people ...
sehr gut (1,0)
Arlo Wire-Free
... What's more, these 1080 x 720p HD motion detection weatherproof cameras are happy working in temperatures from -9 to 50°C ...
sehr gut (1,0)
Nest Cam Überwachungskamera, Außen
Nest's IP65-rated all-waether camera delivers superb wide-angle 1080p, reliable noise and motion detection ...
gut (2,0)
Ring Stick Up Cam
At 720p the camera isn't pin-sharp. However, there are plenty of other reasons of other reasons to rate this camera: the rechargeable 5,200mAh battery [...], the two-way communication function, extensive IFTTT smart compatibility ...
gut (2,0)
Swann Smart-Series HD
This hybrid security system comprises four wired, Full HD 1080p, weather resistant cameras with night-vision and motion detection ...
befriedigend (3,0)
Motorola Focus 73
Wi-Fi stability was so patchy we had to switch to an ethernet cable to test all of the features ...